Monday, June 14, 2010

Our first tomato!

Imagine my excitement when I found a ripe tomato when I was working in my garden! We carefully divided it up and added the slices to our sandwiches along with the egg salad and herbs of choice. I never know which to choose so I just take some of each! I especially like dill and basil in my sandwiches but cilantro and parsley add their own unique flavors too. There is only a little lettuce left in my garden - enough for sandwiches but not for the huge salads we were consuming. The zucchini is also doing very well and I'm trying hard not to let them get too big. The Peter Pan squash and yellow summer squash are just starting to yield fruit and then beans will be ready to pick by Thursday. Gardens are so much fun! My mom was very generous and gave the bottom part of her garden to me so that I can have fun and arrange it how I like it. :)

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