Friday, April 22, 2011

some youth group pix from winter 2011

 Jet and Mary
 Melanie and Janae cracking themselves up with a game of "Yes or No".
 Parties at Melanie's house are great fun!
 The Settlers of Catan
 Can't Stop - at least I think that's what the game was called.
 and the ever-present ROOK
 Some people do a pretty good job of making pests out of themselves.
 Two of the crazy Fisher boys - gotta love em!
 At our house after gym night or chorus practice or something.  God keeps blessing our kitchen floor with strength to uphold our friends.
Amazing how many ppl you can get into that little kitchen!  I love when my friends come over like this.

1 comment:

  1. How about I steal a pile of such-like pictures from you sometime, yes? Love this post!
