Friday, June 10, 2011

Memories of long ago times with good old friends...

 Matt and Annie Joking - you guys are great!  I miss you a lot.  Cousin parties and youth group sure wouldn't be the same without you.  Keep up the quiet humor and don't let your brother Austin get out of line. :)
 Another great brother/sister combo.  Our families used to go hiking here on Mothers' Day but now since we're all grown up and scattered it doesn't happen so much anymore...
 Overlooking the Holtwood Dam.  The water was much higher than the last time people had been there and was really a spectacular sight!
 My friend and cousin, Lena.  I think she's being a tourist in Germany at present.
 The Calebs - one is somber and the other sports a cheesy grin.
 So we were hiking along and got to a nice spot by the water.  Some people got a little too close and one person fell in.  These people thought it was funny! :)
 The part of the trail where boys do things girls wish they wouldn't...
 Ivan's "facebook profile" picture.
 So we kinda lost the trail and came down a different way.  Close to the bottom we saw the back of a sign and thought, "Oh no!  It probably says, 'No Trespassing'!"  Well, too late: we just hoped we wouldn't get a rash from the poison ivy we say in the restricted area.
 A great way to get around unless it rains... We were very impressed however, that they got three guys in the back seat.
Like Ivan said, "A good picnic spot for beavers!"

My youth group is so much fun to hang out with!  I really miss the social life now that I'm in the woodsy wilderness of Ohio.  The woods just aren't as much fun if you all aren't here to hike them with me.  Keep on having fun together - don't take each other for granted. 

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